Sunday, 22 December 2024
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Aliens: Colonial Marines is finally worth the money

Added: 04.08.2015 9:19 | 64 views | 0 comments

Dealspwn: It's undeniably terrible, but at this price for a new copy (of the Extermination Edition too), we'd urge you to take a look in a morbid sort of way. Essentially, we had to play it, so you should too damnit!


Destiny Weapon Rebalance Randy Pitchford Lost 10-15 Million on Alien: Colonial Marines - IGN Daily Fix

Added: 18.07.2015 0:59 | 68 views | 0 comments

Destiny is rebalancing all weapon types and Randy Pitchford talks Alien: Colonial Marines. Plus, Batman: Arkham Knight is top seller in June and Shenmue 3 becomes most funded game on Kickstarter.


Versus Aliens: Colonial Marines Reveal vs. Reality

Added: 17.07.2015 20:15 | 58 views | 0 comments

With Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford making the news once again with his remarks about the highly controversial game Aliens: Colonial Marines, PSLS thought its a good idea to air this Versus episode focusing on the games reveal, versus what we actually got (reality).


Gearbox Addresses Alien: Colonial Marines Claims - IGN News

Added: 17.07.2015 19:29 | 80 views | 0 comments

Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford has spoken about the myriad claims surrounding the development and release of Aliens: Colonial Marines.


Randy Pitchford Address Alien: Colonial Marines Claims

Added: 17.07.2015 12:29 | 81 views | 0 comments

The Gearbox CEO reveals he has lost a large amount of money personally, and engages with claims of embezzlement.


Randy Pitchford Address Alien: Colonial Marines Claims

Added: 17.07.2015 12:29 | 47 views | 0 comments

The Gearbox CEO reveals he has lost a large amount of money personally, and engages with claims of embezzlement.


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